In A Nutshell | March 22, 2013

Hello, Oak Chapel friends, Holy Week is upon us. During this week of the liturgical year we celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, remember his final meal with his disciples, recall the events of the crucifixion, and celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and victory over death. The celebratory events take place on Palm Sunday and Easter, butContinue reading “In A Nutshell | March 22, 2013”

In A Nutshell | March 15, 2013

Hello, Oak Chapel friends, After worship last Sunday, a church member came up to talk with me about my sermon. The person said, “I get the point, but what do we do with the scripture where Jesus said we will always have the poor with us?” This Sunday, we will explore these words of JesusContinue reading “In A Nutshell | March 15, 2013”

In A Nutshell | March 8, 2013

Hello, Oak Chapel friends, This weekend is Daylight Savings Time. Set your clocks ahead one hour on Saturday night to be sure you are not late for church! This Sunday’s worship will focus on a very familiar parable in the gospel of Luke –the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15: 1 – 3, 11bContinue reading “In A Nutshell | March 8, 2013”

In A Nutshell | March 1, 2013

Hello, Oak Chapel friends, On Monday evening we held our first session of Catch, a new invitational evangelism program that will help us become relentlessly outward focused in service and love. There was great attendance with a variety of ages and voices represented. I was encouraged by the energy in the room and the spiritContinue reading “In A Nutshell | March 1, 2013”